
Monday, December 23, 2013

Ladies' Literary Not-So Luncheon

I haven't made one, single post on this blog during 2013 so I figured I better fix that since I had a lot of fun, themed parties! Here's to 2014!!

First up, I have a party that took place over the summer. It was supposed to be a Luncheon, but the time had to change and it took place at night. Therefore, it became the Ladies' Literary Not-So Luncheon!

First up, we have the food! I was lucky enough to receive two different items to share with my girlfriends via etsy shops. I'll link up my blog reviews so you can learn more. I got the fun literary lollipops (Alice in Wonderland and Harry Potter) from My Sweet Lollipops. Review here.

I also got these adorable bookworm party favors from ItzWhimzeycal Design Studio. You can put whatever candy you want, but I decided that gummy worms fit the bookworm theme well. Review here.

Now, for the rest of the food. I wanted everything to fit a book, so I chose the items carefully and then printed out the book cover to explain each choice.

Grapes for Grapes of Wrath, of course!!

Lots of fun Willy Wonka candy for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Top shot of the candy!!
A cheeseball and crackers was paired with the book The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales

I had a green tin tub filled with ice since the party was outside and I included little cans of soda for the The Outsiders, since one of the characters is named Sodapop Curtis.

I also included bottles of water to go along with Water for Elephants.

In this fun, pink bowl is some cut-up watermelon...a fruit that The Very Hungry Caterpillar tries out.

The main course was build-it-yourself sandwiches. We had ham, turkey, cheese, condiments, and other fun toppings. All of this was inspired by the book A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich.

Above is an overall shot of my kitchen table. People could grab what they wanted and then we all ate and hung out outside.

And finally, a food item that one of my friends brought along! She had some yummy cookies on a plate surrounded by cards, to give it an Alice in Wonderland look! Isn't it adorable?!

That's the for the game! Normally, I have a few games when I throw a party but I stuck with just one this time around. I wrote out a list of movie titles and everyone to circle the ones that were a BOOK first. If they got the most right, then they won! I thought it was a fun game. Feel free to get in touch if you want to replicate this and need ideas! (lauren51990 AT aol DOT com).

As for the prize, I made a gift pack in honor of Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl. It included a copy of the book, a copy of the movie, and a crocheted fox!

While there was only one winner (who got all three items) I did clean out some of my books before the party, so I laid everything out on a table outside so people could go through and choose whatever they wanted! Free books!! Who can say no?!

And voila, that's it! My Ladies' Literary Not-So Luncheon! I'll have the rest of my 2013 parties up ASAP (these included a graduation, a Halloween party, and a Christmas party)!!

1 comment:

  1. - 3D isometric adventure MMORPG<

    Download MapleStory and start the game.

    MapleStory is a free to download 2D online video game of the MMORPG genre, created by the Korean company Wizet. Although the game is free to play, it includes other items that can be purchased for real money. Around the world, the game has millions of users. The story of the game is about some travelers who seek to save the Maple World from the terrible Black Mage. In this plot, the travelers become stronger as they eliminate the enemies of the game, many creatures of different appearance. As they advance in level, travelers choose the paths and disciplines to follow, which we will detail below.

    What is MapleStory?
    MapleStory 2 is a 3D isometric adventure MMORPG in which players create their own character and select one of several jobs to explore the new Maple World. Players will find several NPCs with various Quests, Monsters, and Bosses from the previous version, as well as completely new ones to fight against. The game also features dungeons and raids for players to team up with each other to complete.

    Out of action
    There are also a variety of activities for players to participate in, such as buying and building personal homes, crafting with Life Skills, fishing, composing music, creating custom user content such as custom clothing, and much more.

    History of the last UPDATE
    Nexon published the first closed beta test of the global version which ran from May 9, 2018 to May 16, 2018, and a second closed beta ran from July 18 to August 1, 2018. The game launched on October 10, 2018 with players who purchased a Founder's Pack on or after October 1, 2018. On Wednesday, May 27, 2020, Nexon ended service for the global version of MapleStory 2.


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